Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Waiting Game...

So I turned the first drafts of my chapters in on Thursday of last week - which was a feat. They were not even due until Friday, so, me turning in something A DAY in advanced, well, is pretty advanced for me. Thinking I was going to get my revisions back sometime early this week I decided to take a mini road trip over the weekend to take a mental break.

My friend Tay was going to Chapel Hill, NC to visit an old classmate of hers who did her graduate studies at UNC, and she had asked if I wanted to join her. Naturally, after feeling good about turning in my chapters, I figured it would be a good break. Overall the weekend was pretty fun! We got there late on Friday and went out to the bars on Franklin Street where we met lots of other fun ATs. The plan for Saturday was originally to go to the beach, however, Mother Nature had something to say about it. So instead we roamed around campus and avoided the rain, and even stopped at a cute little bakery/gelato shop for a treat! We then preceded to watch umpteen hours of the NJ Housewives until it was time to go out for the night. This night one of the roomies, who is not into the Chapel Hill scene, wanted to take us out in Raleigh. We went to this club where thankfully we got in free, due to her knowing one of the bouncers, and it was ridiculously crowded. It could have been fun, buuuuut all they were playing is techno and having people bumping into you for a solid 2 hours just gets annoying - not to mention the men who feel that walking past you in a crowded area allows them to slide their hand in inappropriate places as they pass. You also have those creepy guys that just come behind you and just start grinding on you....had I thought about it I should have utilized "the face."
If you do not know who this is, or what I am talking about, please visit: and enjoy.

Ok. So after the creeptastic experiences at the club, they continued at the local fancy establishment - Waffle House. Finally after gorging on a choco chip waffle, and almost starting a riot at the WH, we (the "Pretty Gang" as we became known as) crawled into bed at around 5:30am. WHEW. It was then time for the mini vaca to come to an end and we packed up and headed home.

Luckily, we had already made plans to meet up with Nicole to go see Bridesmaids once we arrived back to VA. Let me just say that I was NOT expecting to laugh as much as I did. It was hysterical. Although my favorite scene is not yet available for your viewing pleasure, here is a verrrrrry shortened clip of another funny part (unfortunately the clip does not get into the funniest part of this scene, but I guess you'll just have to go to the movie):

After the awesome wrap up of my weekend, I have now just been anticipating the arrival of my revisions. However, I am still waiting. I have been hanging out with my friends who are working on their stuff, so I have been trying to do some of the little things I can do while I wait; like my abstract, presentation, and poster, but.....I am now pretty much done with that stuff. I have applied to a few jobs, painted some art for the Baby G Nursery, looked at dogs to adopt, created and started my new workout plan, and now blogged. Not sure what I will do next, besides of course just sit here like this lady...

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